Copyright and Publishing Rights

1. Copyright Ownership: a. All original content published in the "Corporate Governance & Audit Archive Review" (hereinafter referred to as "the Journal") is the property of the Journal and is protected by copyright laws.

2. Author's Rights: a. Authors retain the copyright to their individual contributions and grant the Journal the right of first publication. b. Authors grant the Journal a non-exclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license to publish, reproduce, distribute, display, and store their work in any form, electronic or otherwise.

3. Open Access: a. The Journal is committed to open access publishing, and all articles published in the Journal are freely accessible to the public. b. Authors agree that their work will be published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing others to share and adapt the work, provided proper attribution is given.

4. Permissions: a. Authors are responsible for obtaining any necessary permissions for the use of third-party material included in their submissions. b. The Journal reserves the right to request evidence of permissions obtained by the authors.

5. Reproduction and Distribution: a. The Journal reserves the right to reproduce and distribute the published work in print and electronic formats, including but not limited to the Journal's website, databases, and third-party indexing services.

6. Archiving: a. The Journal retains the right to archive and preserve all published content, including the right to migrate the content to different formats and platforms for long-term preservation.

7. Author's Moral Rights: a. The Journal acknowledges and respects the moral rights of the authors, including the right to be properly attributed and the right to the integrity of the work.

8. Withdrawal of Articles: a. Authors may request the withdrawal of their articles from the Journal by providing a written request to the editorial office. The Journal may consider such requests on a case-by-case basis.

9. Changes to the Policy: a. The Journal reserves the right to modify this Copyright and Publishing Rights Policy. Any changes will be communicated to authors and will apply to subsequent submissions.
